Drilling Services

Compaction grouting

Aarsleff has the specialist plant and labour to carry out all types of drilling and grouting works from the filling of redundant coal mines and soil mixing to stabilisation of soil and compaction grouting.

Illustration of compaction grouting

Bulk Infill

Shallow voids pose a risk to surface buildings and sub-surface infrastructure because collapse of the ground overlying the voids can result in voids migrating to the surface, leading to crown-hole development. This poses a risk to both foundations, structures themselves, and below-ground infrastructure. One option for remediation is bulk filling of these voids by drilling and grouting.

Holes for drilling and grouting are generally spaced on a square grid. The drilling process involves rotary percussive rigs, firstly installing casing seated into rockhead, then drilling to 1m below the base of the seam. Commencing at the lowest dip side, grout is injected through a flexible tube called a tremie from the base of the drilling hole to the surface.

As an official member of the British Drilling Association, Aarsleff Ground Engineering has the specialist plant and people to carry out all types of drilling and grouting works. The technique can be used for the consolidation of abandoned mines and soil mixing to stabilisation of soil and compaction grouting. We can also treat mine shafts up to 75-100m deep including filling open shafts with granular material, stage grouting, grout caps and reinforced concrete caps.

For more information about Aarsleff Ground Engineering or to send in your enquiry, call 01636 611140 and speak to a member of our expert team today, or drop us an email

Aarsleff can perform drilling and grouting in limited working space, with the ability to manoeuvre and grout around structures to consolidate soil, particularly beneficial for existing commercial or residential areas or to prevent against collapse of redundant voids associated with mine working tunnels, sewers, sinkholes and culverts.

Aarsleff understands that every site presents its own unique challenges, so you need a bespoke approach to find the best solution. We don’t just deliver: we work with you from the outset, designing schemes that meet all regulatory requirements providing you with a value engineered solution. Working with our in-house geotechnical experts, the drilling and grouting team offer the following services:

  • Comprehensive rotary drilling site investigation services.
  • Stabilisation of shallow mine workings.
  • Stabilisation of mine entries.
  • Drilling services for standard and restricted access projects
An illustration by Aarsleff of bulk infill drilling and grouting works

Bulk infilling and grouting services for:

  • Tunnels
  • Culverts
  • Cellars
  • Sewer systems
  • Sub surface voids
  • Sinkholes
  • Soil nailing
  • Ground anchoring
  • Geotechnical drilling
  • Compaction grouting to stabilise granular and fine-grained soils
  • Borehole drilling for ground-source heat pumps.
  • Borehole drilling for ground-source heat pumps.
  • Maintenance free
  • Grouting can prevent the collapse of granular soils, settlement under adjacent foundations, groundwater movement, utilities damage and tunnel run-ins
  • Increases soil strength and rigidity
  • Reduced ground movement
  • Groundwater control
  • Predictable degree of movement
  • Can be performed in limited working space
  • Designable strength and permeability
Steel reinforcement rods sticking out of an embankment. A yellow heavy machine is blurred in the distance.

Get a quote

For more information about Aarsleff Ground Engineering or to send in your enquiry,
call 01636 611140 and speak to an expert member of our team today.

A leading UK ground engineering specialist, focusing on multi-discipline excellence and value engineering. We design and deliver some of the UK’s largest ground engineering projects.

An Aarsleff construction worker wearing a high-visibility jacket and hard hat on a site.

Our vision is to bring confidence to those constructing the landscape of tomorrow .

An Aarsleff construction worker wearing a high-visibility jacket and hard hat on a site.

1947. Central Jutland, Denmark. Per Aarsleff borrowed 10,000 Danish Kroner from his father’s life insurance, bought an excavator, and founded Northern Europe’s leading contracting company.

An Aarsleff construction worker wearing a high-visibility jacket and hard hat on a site.

Our biggest asset, our team is composed of the leading experts in ground engineering. Working with collaboration and cohesion at the core of our business, we can guarantee a quick and founded answer to all your questions.

An Aarsleff construction worker wearing a high-visibility jacket and hard hat on a site.

We recruit and reward our people based on our ‘Step into the Blue’ company culture, where we embrace the core values of Life and Health, Trust, and Responsibility.

An Aarsleff construction worker wearing a high-visibility jacket and hard hat on a site.

We do everything to ensure our team and yours work safely on our sites. With our core value of Life & Health, we see safety as a cultural pillar.

An Aarsleff construction worker wearing a high-visibility jacket and hard hat on a site.

Our ISO accreditations are an assurance to you that we take governance seriously. Read our policies to discover more.

An Aarsleff construction worker wearing a high-visibility jacket and hard hat on a site.

The projects that keep society running. Bridges, buildings, transit and rail facilities, embankment support, marine and offshore facilities, mines, airports, and water projects.

Close-up view of steel reinforcement cages at a construction site. A yellow KLEMM drilling rig is in the background.

Keeping things turning. Sewage Treatment Works, Waste Water Treatment Works, Wind Farms and Wind Turbines, Biomass Plants, and Power stations.

Aarsleff's Junttan PM 20HLC piling rig in operation with two workers present. Another piling rig can be seen in the background.

Meeting society’s needs. Nursing and care homes, MOD buildings, Schools and Universities, and small or large-sized residential developments.

Three piling rigs positioned on a muddy site under a blue sky. Construction workers are seen near the rigs.

Staying on the move. Remediation, bridges, and foundation work are integral to keeping the industry running smoothly.

Aarsleff worker kneeing down on one knee with a yellow piling rig and concrete piles in the background. The worker is wearing high-visibility clothing and a white hard hat.

The landscape of the marketplace. Mega-retail sheds, distribution warehouses, University accommodation, and major supermarket and household name units.

Commercial piling projects

Keeping things afloat. Ports and harbours, coastal defences, river embankments and inland waterways.

An aerial view of the Port of Hanstholm.