The Importance of Vibration Monitoring

The Importance of Vibration Monitoring

Piles are the permanent foundation support to many structures in certain areas of the UK, whether they are bridge abutments for major infrastructure, a hospital, school, factory or residential development.

As such, it is vital to know the likelihood of disruption that could be caused by installing piles, so as to minimise or alleviate it. An increasingly key aspect of project management during construction is to understand the impact of ground-borne vibration on the surrounding community.

  • Driven piling involves displacing soil as the pile penetrates ground. The energy produced by the piling hammer to achieve this will result in a degree of ground vibration. Yet vibration’s magnitude generated by well-managed driven piling operations can be kept well within limits and is unlikely to cause structural damage.
  • Complains out of anxiety that structural damage might occur can be allayed by good communication and demonstration of vibration monitoring at sensitive locations.
  • When planning a new project, a thorough site investigation must be carried out. This will then determine the piling operation’s suitability and highlight areas of concern. Vibration criteria can be detailed in the piling specification.
  • To ensure conformance, the use of vibration-monitoring equipment during driving is generally employed by the contractor or an independent third party.

In instances where known issues are specific to a particular region or site, the vibration criteria may outline monitoring of the operation so as to manage the change to procedures, like hammer fall height or frequency, working hours to avoid disruption at certain times of the day, or the introduction of pre-drilling.

There is little doubt that the operation of a continuous flight auger or bored piling rig creates less vibration than a driven piling operation, though on sites underlain by weak soils, the extra wheeled transport and tracked excavators associated with the technique will create noticeable levels of vibration, which would also benefit from vibration monitoring.

Remote vibration monitoring allows the industry to dispel myths and understand the potential for damage caused by driven piling and appreciate some of the precautionary measures that take place at the planning stages, plus manage the change of operational procedures should problems occur.

Over many years the Aarsleff team have built up a reputation for expertise and integrity when it comes to providing technically innovative solutions to civil engineering foundation problems.

Areas of involvement include road construction, water treatment facilities, canals, coastal protection and major rail projects like the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, where Aarsleff manufactured and installed hundreds of 60 mm square section precast concrete piles, the only project of its type in Europe.

Our engineers welcome the chance to work with project designers from early stages to ensure a value engineered option incorporating optimal performance to meet design load demands and programme.

For more information about Aarsleff Ground Engineering or to send in your enquiry, call 01636 611140 and speak to a member of our expert team today, or drop us an email 

A leading UK ground engineering specialist, focusing on multi-discipline excellence and value engineering. We design and deliver some of the UK’s largest ground engineering projects.

An Aarsleff construction worker wearing a high-visibility jacket and hard hat on a site.

Our vision is to bring confidence to those constructing the landscape of tomorrow .

An Aarsleff construction worker wearing a high-visibility jacket and hard hat on a site.

1947. Central Jutland, Denmark. Per Aarsleff borrowed 10,000 Danish Kroner from his father’s life insurance, bought an excavator, and founded Northern Europe’s leading contracting company.

An Aarsleff construction worker wearing a high-visibility jacket and hard hat on a site.

Our biggest asset, our team is composed of the leading experts in ground engineering. Working with collaboration and cohesion at the core of our business, we can guarantee a quick and founded answer to all your questions.

An Aarsleff construction worker wearing a high-visibility jacket and hard hat on a site.

We recruit and reward our people based on our ‘Step into the Blue’ company culture, where we embrace the core values of Life and Health, Trust, and Responsibility.

An Aarsleff construction worker wearing a high-visibility jacket and hard hat on a site.

We do everything to ensure our team and yours work safely on our sites. With our core value of Life & Health, we see safety as a cultural pillar.

An Aarsleff construction worker wearing a high-visibility jacket and hard hat on a site.

Our ISO accreditations are an assurance to you that we take governance seriously. Read our policies to discover more.

An Aarsleff construction worker wearing a high-visibility jacket and hard hat on a site.

The projects that keep society running. Bridges, buildings, transit and rail facilities, embankment support, marine and offshore facilities, mines, airports, and water projects.

Close-up view of steel reinforcement cages at a construction site. A yellow KLEMM drilling rig is in the background.

Keeping things turning. Sewage Treatment Works, Waste Water Treatment Works, Wind Farms and Wind Turbines, Biomass Plants, and Power stations.

An Aarsleff Junttan PM 20HLC piling rig in operation with two workers present. Another piling rig can be seen in the background.

Meeting society’s needs. Nursing and care homes, MOD buildings, Schools and Universities, and small or large-sized residential developments.

Three piling rigs positioned on a muddy site under a blue sky. Construction workers are seen near the rigs.

Staying on the move. Remediation, bridges, and foundation work are integral to keeping the industry running smoothly.

Aarsleff worker kneeing down on one knee with a yellow piling rig and concrete piles in the background. The worker is wearing high-visibility clothing and a white hard hat.

The landscape of the marketplace. Mega-retail sheds, distribution warehouses, University accommodation, and major supermarket and household name units.

Commercial piling projects

Keeping things afloat. Ports and harbours, coastal defences, river embankments and inland waterways.

An aerial view of the Port of Hanstholm.