Aarsleff Ground Engineering have developed a virtual reality application for the construction & ground engineering industry.
Aarsleff Ground Engineering partnered with 3D technology and software development studio Luminous Group to develop a new virtual reality application for the construction and ground engineering industry. Traversing through Rail, Commercial, Residential, Mining and Industrial zones, the user is able to take a closer look at rigs and machinery by leading innovators Junttan, Klemm and Movax and experience the ground engineering techniques that the ground engineering specialist deliver on site every day – both above and below ground. The application shows the construction sequence of sectional flight auger in a residential basement, sheet piling for a car park, driven piling in an industrial zone, soil nailing adjacent to a railway and drilling and grouting operations in a traditional mining area.
The VR experience has been created using the latest Unity games engine and HTC Vive Pro headset providing full natural interaction with six degrees of freedom and high-quality visuals. Users can view a mini table top view of the Aarsleff world or fly down to see interactive cutaways of the ground below. Games engines with their real time rendering capabilities and ability to port content to multiple devices and platforms are becoming the preferred choice for creating interactive computer graphics, VR experiences and visual effects.
Ground Engineering Virtual Reality Klemm Machine installing Soil Nails
Ground Engineering Virtual Reality Junttan Piling Rig
Clients and connections are invited to experience Aarsleff’s VR application at their head office in Newark, Nottinghamshire where they will be given a short tutorial before leaving reality and entering Aarsleff’s ‘virtual’ working world. Equipped with a state-of-the-art headset, user’s will be taken through an immersive tour around the ‘Aarsleff World’.
Finding ways to visualise and engage with ground engineering techniques can be challenging – everything our specialist industry does is underground or soon covered up. The new virtual reality application makes it possible for our users to experience ground engineering techniques in a more dynamic and accessible way than ever before, and this is what makes it really unique.
With half a million workers set to retire over the next 10 years, the application has primarily been designed to address the growing skills shortage in the construction sector with a view to help attract the next generation of digitally native gamers into the industry. We are demoing the virtual application at careers fairs and university shows but also at our clients request.
Virtual Reality Demo
Speak with Aarsleff’s friendly Marketing team to book your 1-1 or small group VR-demonstration today by emailing jessicabanham@aarsleff.co.uk or calling 01636 611140
Please watch our short promo trailer of the VR here.
We also offer 5 CPD’s to our clients and construction friends. The 45-minute seminars are available on request at client’s offices however if booked alongside the VR, we would invite you to our head office in Newark, Nottinghamshire. All materials, handouts and literature will be provided.
Get a quote
For more information about Aarsleff Ground Engineering or to send in your enquiry,
call 01636 611140 and speak to an expert member of our team today.
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